Tag: alternative medicine

The skinny on CBD

It seems like everyone I know is taking CDB for something (insomnia, pain, anxiety, etc.) but what exactly is it and does it really work? And why is it so popular?

CBD stands for cannabidiol and it is one of over 100 chemicals (called cannabinoids) that are extracted from the cannabis plant. Hemp and marijuana are different types of cannabis. Marijuana causes a “high” because it contains a lot of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) but hemp has more CBD and very little THC. Most CBD you can buy comes from the hemp plant and is legal (in most US states) as long as it contains less that 0.3 percent THC.

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The power of placebos

placeboLots of people talk about the placebo effect but what exactly is it?

The most reliable clinical studies compare a treatment that is being tested with a fake treatment (called a placebo). Generally, half the people in the study get the treatment and half get the placebo and the then the two groups are compared. In the case of pills the placebo is often a sugar pill. Researchers can even test the effectiveness of a surgical procedure by comparing it with a sham or fake procedure. In these studies (called randomized controlled trials or RCTs), patients (and their healthcare teams) don’t know who is getting the pill or procedure being studied and who is getting the placebo. The reason for this is that patients sometimes get better when they are given a placebo because they believe they will get better (called the “placebo effect”) or because their disease got better on its own.

So can patients get better just by believing they will get better? And can doctors actually prescribe placebos to help people get better?

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Does food cause inflammation?

I am fascinated by food – what makes us eat the food we eat and how it affects our health. I’m especially interested when there is evidence to support the ideas.

As the American diet has changed in the past few decades, we have been gaining weight. It is also true that we are seeing more diseases – especially those that have an inflammatory component. Inflammation is when the body responds to things that shouldn’t be there – like an infection or a chemical – and the body sends cells to the area to fight them off. This can lead to pain and swelling, among other things. Some diseases caused by inflammation have “itis” at the end – arthritis, colitis, bronchitis, etc.

Is it possible that the food we eat is causing some of these diseases that are due to inflammation?

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What’s the alternative?

A recent blog post on The Health Care Blog entitled Choosing Alternative Medicine raises some really interesting issues. The author, James Salwitz, MD complains that patients are turning to complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies when they could be cured by “conventional” therapy. I think the real problem is that people are being treated with therapies that have not been proven to work when there are other more effective treatments available. Patients need to be given enough information about the research evidence to make informed choices. After learning about the evidence, if they choose a therapy that has not been proven to work when there are more effective treatments available, I would consider that an informed decision.

Rather than saying some medicines are “alternative” and some are “traditional” we should look at all treatments for which there is evidence to treat a particular condition. If there is evidence that an herbal remedy or vitamin works even if it is not as good as the evidence for a drug, patients should be able to make the right choice for them based on the evidence. Doctors need to be open to thinking about CAM therapies as treatment options if there is evidence to support their use.

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